Dosing of 1K/2K adhesive, UV material, silicone, thermal paste, epoxy resin, polyurethane
axiss dosing systems have no moving lines except for the z-axis cable due to their mechanics.
Both drive motors in X and Y are permanently installed on a base plate due to their special toothed belt guide.
The movements are precise and low-noise via high-quality linear guides with ball chain.
The dosing systems have a very high process reliability and are low-maintenance. They can therefore also be used in 3-shift operation. Depending on their working area, they have small external dimensions.
4D dosing systems are also equipped with a rotary axis. This can be mounted on the z-axis or the base plate. This allows either the dosing head or the component to be dosed to be rotated.
Automatic application of adhesives and sealants. Freely programmable for dosing points, lines, arcs and combinations via PC. Installation of various safety devices is also possible, as well as integration into an external safety circuit.
The machine can be built into existing systems. It is also possible to exchange signals with external controls.
Technische Beschreibung
- 3D-Interpolation der Achsen - Z-Achsenbelastung bis 3 kg, optional bis 7 kg - Standartmaschinen, Positioniergenauigkeit in X und Y= 0,1mm, in Z= 0,05mm - Elektrisch höhenverstellbarer Unterbau möglich - Präzisionsmaschinen mit Lineartechnik und - Wegmesssystem, Positioniergenauigkeit bis 0,02mm - Verfahrgeschwindigkeit bis zu 200 mm/s - 12 Eingänge, 12 Ausgänge - Steuerung über PC - Win10, Menügeführte Software DiSoft - Hohe Prozesssicherheit und wartungsarm - Integration in Fertigungslinien - CE Konform

Dispensemove 307
Rotary plate
Automatic application of adhesives and sealants via 180° rotation of the workpiece holder (rotary table).
Freely programmable for dosing points, lines, arcs and combinations via PC, DiSoft software.
(x)600 (y)480 (z)100mm
(W)1686 (D)1830 (H)2663mm
*Ergonomic working due to the height-adjustable substructure / lifting table as option.

Dispensemove 310
Steel frame
Automatic application of adhesives and sealants. Freely programmable for the dosing of points,
Lines, arcs and combinations via PC.
(x)600 (y)480 (z)100mm
(W)1000 (D)1140 (H)2800mm
Positioning accuracy:
X and Y = 0.1mm / Z = 0.05mm
Movement speed:
Up to 400mm/s

Dispensmove 400
Automatic application of adhesives and sealants. Freely programmable for the dosing of points,
Lines, arcs and combinations via PC.
(x)1000 (y)1000 (z)200mm
(W)1617 (D)1864 (H)2297mm
Positioning accuracy:
X and Y = 0.1mm / Z = 0.05mm
Movement speed:
Up to 400mm/s

Dispensmove 700
Automatic application of adhesives and sealants. Freely programmable for the dosing of points,
Lines, arcs and combinations via PC.
(x)900 (y)600 (z)100mm
(W)1330 (D)1434 (H)2160mm
Positioning accuracy:
X and Y = 0.1mm / Z = 0.05mm
Movement speed:
Up to 400mm/s

Dispensmove 900
Automatic application of adhesives and sealants. Freely programmable for the dosing of points,
Lines, arcs and combinations via PC.
(x)1200 (y)900 (z)100mm
(W)1630 (D)1704 (H)2165mm
Positioning accuracy:
X and Y = 0.1mm / Z = 0.05mm
Movement speed:
Up to 400mm/s
The dosing systems are flexibly configurable depending on the application and can be programmed for different purposes.